More LinkedIn Connections – Linkedin Tips


LinkedIn Tips



I will be providing you with a ton of LinkedIn tips in the next few weeks.

This is just something quick and easy I’ve been doing to add more connections as well as staying engaged with my current connections.

I simply go to my LinkedIn mobile app

If you don’t have you can download super quickly.

But go to your App

Open it

Go to the people icon


Now all you have to do is click add.  You will see something that says people you may know.

Almost any and every one you see that has LION or Open Networker in the title will add you.

I’m not really sure of the daily cap but from what I’ve read, you don’t want to go past 75 a day.

You want to add people who you have a lot of mutual connections.  It’s a strong chance, they will add you back.

Also entrepreneurs

Many entrepreneurs want to have a large amount of connections.

Authors are also good options.

Many authors want to have large crowds to promote to as well as build their database.

I will have a full list coming to you soon with all of the titles that are most likely to accept your invitation.

Connect with people that interest you.


You could only be on connection a way from a gold mine.

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