Make Money With Thrift Stores

The Thrift Store Gold Rush
Many people are now seeing the income potential of thrift stores. If you are into fashion and have a great eye for what’s HOT, you can really rack up. You can find many of those high selling vintage products at thrift stores for $5 or less.
Hot Selling Products
Vintage Books Records Clothes Furniture Pictures Jewelry Weird unique items Those all have high mark ups.
Get the Details
Find out the exact days new products hit the floor. Find out the time of placement. Have a list of what you need to shop for…
On the list
Have the amount you can make for each type of product. This will give you an idea of the amount you need to spend for certain items.
Keep Track of your money Makers
Keep Track of profits on all products. This will let you know what products to focus more attention.
Beat the Crowds
Be the first one there.
Shop for Profit, Not for Passion
There are many cool products in the Thrift Stores. This is where your list will help you. You want to focus on products that are going to make you money.
Places to Sell Thrift Store Products
Of course Ebay
Craigslist Classified Ads
Garage Sells.
Its makes it appear it is one of your personal items.
Do a search on sites like Ebay
Start a Thrift Store Blog – On your thrift store blog, you can sell your items as well as give descriptions. This will create a visual for people. By creating a blog, you will also reduce some of the fees you would have to pay to list these products. For Starting a blog of any kind, I highly recommend BlueHost. They have a one click start a WordPress blog option, which is amazing. The customer service is spectacular. I really love this company. was created and still is powered by Blue Host.
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