11 Great First Date Tips For Women

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11 Great First Date Tips for Women

First Date Tip 1 ~ Let him get there first
This gives you a chance to make a grand entrance…lol  It will also build anxiety and excitement from him.
First Date Tip 2 ~ Before the Ice breaker
Body language is everything.  If you like what you see and are truly interested, give a short gaze into his eyes while approaching.  Careful Now… Nothing to long… You are giving the off that you are interested, not I want to skip dinner and get straight to dessert.
First Date Tip 3 ~ Breaking the Ice
A smile or a compliment is a great way to break the ice.  Or Both
Keep the compliment as non physical as possible.

“That’s a nice shirt”
If physical, something like “you have a great smile”
First Date Tip 4 ~ Importance of a Good Start
Like many other things, you will notice a good start usually ends in a great finish.  If you start off bad then it tends to get worse as it continues.
After you break the ice, set the tone of the date.
Even though you want to get as much information as possible, you don’t want it to seem like an interview.  So set the tone by asking some relaxed, entertaining, even funny questions.

“How was the drive over, you know how crazy people can drive. LOL”
It will be much easier to get information, be able to judge if it could be something more, relax and have a great time once you get your date relaxed.
This will set you up for first date tip number 5.
First Date Tip 5 ~Make It About Him
Many times you try too hard to impress your date by giving this overload of information about yourself.
A little interest in us guys goes a long way.  You will get your chance to talk about yourself.  So use this time to listen and take in the information.  The more you listen, the more you will learn about this person.
If they mention something that you find interesting, make sure to show your interest.
Be sure not to overdo it to where it comes off as fake.  You will notice, the more the guy talks, the more he will feel comfortable.
First Date Tip 6 ~ Level the Playing Field
Because you listened to him talk, you now know some interest of his.  You can now find common interest to talk about.  Be sure to choose an interest that you are genuinely interested in.
Finding more interest
Ask about interest, hobbies, favorite things to do, favorite places to go, places he likes to hang out, etc.
This will help you stay ahead of the game.
First Date Tip 7 ~ Don’t Over Think It
Although you want to get as much information as possible, you want to remember to have a great time.  That is what is most important.
First Date Tip 8 ~ Your Turn to Share
Now that you have let him ramble on about himself, built common interest, shared some LoL’s, now it’s time to show him what you are made of.  It’s your chance to show your ambition, goals, and dreams.  You have a whole open range to talk about yourself.
Be careful not to do too much promoting, you don’t want over promotion.  You want to hit the main points but keep it brief.  Let’s leave something to the imagination.  A key factor to remember about us Men. 
We love to chase.  We are naturally hunters.
Now that you have him all the way interested and enjoying himself, it’s time to plan this exit.
Yes you heard me right
He won’t be ready to end the date which will have him even more interested for another one.
It will leave him think about the date for the rest of the night.
The plan
Make an excuse up if you have to, but you want to be the first one to leave.
First Date Tip 9 ~ Planning your Exit
Start by letting him know how much fun you had on this date.
You can compliment a factor about the date.

“This really was a great place”
“Dinner was excellent”
This will give you a chance to start dropping the hints for the date being over, which will set you up for first date tip number 10.
First Date Tip 10 ~ Setting up Date #2
Because you left him wanting more, this should be very easy.  Make a comment that hints to a next date.

“Next time we will order…”
“Next time I pick the place”
“Next time we have to sit by the …”
Using the word next time is a good way to drop hints for a NEXT TIME.
First Date Tip 11 ~ The perfect Ending
Use your body language.
Let him make the first move.
If you are interested in a kiss, give him a long look into his eyes.  Break only to look at his lips and then back into his eyes.  This will give him the clue or sign to go ahead and give you a kiss goodnight. 
If you don’t want a kiss then YOU WANT TO MAKE THE FIRST MOVE.
Either open arms for a hug good by or stick your hand out for a handshake.  The handshake should be a strong sign of not really interested in a
date # 2.
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