Think Impossible


It’s Impossible to Think Impossible


One of the mistakes we all make, is believing the word

Impossible more than we believe the things to be



Because of that, we put more belief and focus on what

Can not be done instead of seeing how to work the

possible  of the “Impossible”.


Whatever your mind focuses around, that’s what it will

act on.  Take out the negatives and replace them with

can, will, and when.


True Story– If you can dream it, you can achieve it.

Look at some of the greatest inventions ever known to

man.  You will notice, 99% of all those inventions were

from the power of thinking the “Impossible”.

Whatever obstacle in your way, Move Past it! 

Your Impossible is very Possible.


I know you will achieve your goals, because you think

you can and I know you can.


Dreams Are Achieved By Positive Thinking and 

Forward Actions” 

~ Kenny Boykin ~




Be sure to check out all of the great things to do in Atlanta

Things to do in Atlanta (Sun – Sat)

Atlanta Night Life


Enjoy the Outdoors

With so much to do in Atlanta, don’t waste all of your time in the house.

Jogging Trails in Atlanta

Parks in Atlanta

Bicycling and Bicycle rentals in Atlanta

Lake Beaches in Atlanta

Places to go fishing in Atlanta



Get out there and meet some new people.

It can be for business connections or finding a nice date.

Take your special person on a nice date.

Places to Meet and Greet in Atlanta

Romantic Outings in Atlanta


Explore and learn more about Atlanta

Site Seeing in Atlanta

Tours in Atlanta

Transportation in Atlanta


Take a fun class in Atlanta


Classes in Atlanta – Yoga Classes, Cooking Classes


Go through and do everything on the Atlanta Bucket List.


Enjoy all of the Free Opportunities of Atlanta.


Its something going on everyday here in Atlanta.  Check out some Business Events, Networking, Fun Festivals, Comedy Shows, and Much More.


Here in Atlanta you also have many different types of Restaurants to choose from Soul Food, Mexican Food, Chinese Food, etc


Check out the Mid-day Brunch Places


Take a Coffee Break

Great Coffee Shops in Atlanta, Coffee Shops  in Midtown, Coffee Shops in Buckhead, Coffee Shops in Virginia Highlands, Coffee Shops in Decatur


Grab a drink with some friends

Bars in Atlanta, Bars in Midtown, Bars in Buckhead,


If you or anyone you know is looking for a job, please point them to the Jobs in Atlanta section.  I will keep this section updated with new opportunities.

I will also provide you with ways to Make Extra Money in Atlanta


Kenny’s Honorable Mention

Blue Host– If you are looking to Start a Website or Blog to make money or just for fun, I would highly recommend BlueHost.  If needed I do have a step by step on how to start a blog.  Bluehost is the hosting company I use to power  The customer service is amazing!!


Tools I use– Here is a list of the tools I use to get the best results.


Apartments in Atlanta– I am a FREE Atlanta Apartment Locator.  I am paid by the apartments so the service will always be free for you.  I will never ask you for a dime.  Sooooo If you or anyone you know is looking for an apartment, high-rise, townhouse, or loft, please point them in my direction.  Simply call, text, or email (BEST) and include the detail of the type of apartment you are looking for and I will email you potential options.


Kenny’s Products – Usually filled with a ton of cool products for men, women, children, babies, dogs, everyone!  If you see something you like, get it.  The products usually go really fast and sell out quickly.


Lets Connect – I would love to connect with you on social networks.  I try to follow you back and will even give a shout out to those who shout me out. 

connect with
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